House Robbed After Photo Of A Pile Of Money Is Shared On Facebook


A house in Australia has been burgled in response to a 17-year-old girl posting a photo of "a large sum of cash" on her Facebook account.

The teen was assisting her grandmother count her savings, which she then took a photo of upon completing, sharing it on Facebook at 4PM local time on Thursday.  At 11:30pm, 7 1/2 hours after sharing the image of this cash stacked up, a pair of masked men broke into her mother's property, threatening the occupants with weapons and questionning them about the money.  After searching enough to conclude it wasn't there, they took a small amount of cash, along with some other possessions.

It's not been made public how the criminals got the address; but it's likely that this was either from her making the mother's house address publicly listed on her profile.

Nobody was hurt in this altercation, thankfully.  You can't help but think this whole situation could have been avoided if the girl would have been more proactive with her privacy settings, looked after the sensitive data she was holding on her profile and used a modicum of common sense as to not post a photo of a large sum of money on her profile.

Best to take the sound advice from the New South Wales police: "take extreme caution when posting photographs and personal information."

Source: New South Wales Police

Jason England

Jason England

I am the freelance tech/gaming journalist, lover of dogs and pizza enthusiast. You can follow me on Twitter @MrJasonEngland.

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