news, tech Jason England news, tech Jason England

'HoneyMap' Shows Where People Are Being Hacked In Real-Time

Many stories are heard across the globe of people having their sensitive online data compromised; but this vast number of hacks you see and read about, it's been difficult to realise the vast size and scale of how many malware infections there are.  This is where 'The HoneyMap' comes in, showing the location of both the victim and culprit in said cyber attacks, all in real time.

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news, tech Jason England news, tech Jason England

Cyber Attack Causes Iran's Nuclear Facility Computers To Play AC/DC On Repeat

Two of Iran's nuclear plants have been struck by a cyber attack, causing all the computers to play AC/DC's "Thunderstruck" on repeat at full volume.

This lates virus shut down the facilities in Natanz and Fordow, and cranked them up to 11.  Finnish cyber security site F-Secure's researcher Mikko Hypponen had received several emails to himself and his team from a scientist at the Atomic Energy Organization or Iran.

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social media Jason England social media Jason England

FBI Proposes To Use Social Network Behaviour To 'Predict' Crimes

In becoming ever more tactile in waging war against the criminals of this world, the FBI is asking companies to develop software that will be able to 'scrape' posts, tweets and messages for key 'danger' words and phrases from social network accounts, in addition to monitoring a persons' behaviour through acquiring information from the public domain in order to better track criminal security threats or situations. Succinctly, the Bureau is asking would-be contractors to come up with a software that can “enhance its techniques for collecting and sharing 'open source' actionable intelligence”.

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