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UK Customers Already Facing Delays For The iPhone 5


Orders have only been open since this morning, but already Apple is struggling to cope with the demand for its latest iPhone. And lo, the Apple fanboys flocked.

If you want the 32Gb or 64Gb you’ll already be facing a wait of “2-3 weeks” for dispatch from release date next Friday, while those who opt for the 16Gb have an estimated dispatch date of 2 weeks, if the UK Apple Store is accurate. It is unclear whether those who stay clear of the unlocked handset and instead opt for all-inclusive iPhone 5 contracts on UK’s mobile networks will be hit with the same kind of wait – 3, Orange, T-Mobile and Vodafone are all now taking pre-orders. 

Whether the current stock shortages are yet another symptom of the untouchable popularity of the latest iPhone – the rabid Apple fan-base is thirsty for more, after all – or a repercussion of those 'manufacturing problems' the Wall Street Journal cited Sharp were having just two weeks prior to Apple's long-awaited announcement is anyone's guess. As far as the latter is concerned, according to the WSJ as of August 31st Sharp, one of three suppliers of the much talked about 4” LCD panels for the iPhone 5, had still yet to start mass production on the screens. A combination of the two factors may not be far from the truth either.

We'll be sure to report sales figures as soon as they become available. Still, get your pre-order in fast, this one might just sell like hotcakes. 

Richard Birkett