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Genome Sequencing Brings Girl From 80,000 Years Ago To Life

A new form of Genome Sequencing, invented by the Max Planck Institute in Leipzig, has successfully re-built the DNA of a Siberian girl from 80,000 years ago.

Usually, to gain genetic knowledge, two strands of a sequence were needed in the traditional DNA sequencing.  However, researchers at the Institute have managed to pull off this same process using only one strand.  From sequencing the genome 31 times over, an extremely clear picture of this girl has been created, giving us a unique look 800 centuries into our past.

She had brown eyes, hair and skin.  She was one of the Denisovans: the middle point in evolution between ourselves and the Neanderthals.  It's an amazing discovery that could possibly make the view of our past a lot more clear.

Faster than you can say "welcome to the land of tomorrow," scientists have begun to map out the history of our evolution, possibly turning what we've known to be 'fact' upside down.  But don't expect re-animation anytime soon.  Simply fascinating.

Source: Science Magazine