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'Westeroscraft.' Game Of Thrones World Recreated In Minecraft In Unbelievable Detail

Many impressive Minecraft creations have appeared since release; but none quite as mindblowing as Westeroscraft. A team of 100 people have painstakingly worked over 4 months to recreate the entire Westeros continent from George R. R. Martin's fantasy world, including the capital of King's Landing.

To give you an idea of just how huge this accomplishment is, there are roughly 3000 unique buildings in the city, with each fully decorated inside.  It's a true spectacle to behold, and what's more amazing is the team behind Westeroscraft are planning to turn their creation into a "giant, open world RPG with quests and NPCs." 

Brace Yourselves.

The whole map currently exceeds 35GBs in total, and has stopped them from widely distributing it, but you can still log onto their server to have a look at “"

This has been feverishly shared on Reddit, and quite rightly so. This is colossal! I'll just leave this here...

Source: Reddit

Harvey McDaniel