Why I’m Voting Labour, and so should you if you care about the internet
My heart goes out to the victims and their families after these truly reprehensible atrocities. I just have one thing to say about the response to what has happened. Theresa, the internet is not to blame.
The Top Hacked LinkedIn Passwords Include '1234' and 'Sex'
Last week's theft of 6.5 million LinkedIn user passwords not only once again demonstrated the threat the hacking community poses in acquiring our personal data; but it also highlights the sheer ignorance and stupidity of millions of people on the internet who are not taking necessary precaution in protecting themselves on the web.
FBI Proposes To Use Social Network Behaviour To 'Predict' Crimes
In becoming ever more tactile in waging war against the criminals of this world, the FBI is asking companies to develop software that will be able to 'scrape' posts, tweets and messages for key 'danger' words and phrases from social network accounts, in addition to monitoring a persons' behaviour through acquiring information from the public domain in order to better track criminal security threats or situations. Succinctly, the Bureau is asking would-be contractors to come up with a software that can “enhance its techniques for collecting and sharing 'open source' actionable intelligence”.