Why Nobody Will Buy Self-Driving Cars For A Long Time To Come
Self-driving cars are the future, but are humans ready for them? The answer is a resounding “no,” and you shouldn’t expect to see them for a long time…

The Autumn Statement Shows The Future Of British Tech Is A Bright, But Terrifying Surveillance State
As per the Autumn Statement, UK Government is set to invest billions into 5G, connecting more homes to fibre broadband and developing the infrastructure needed for driverless cars. But is all of this a smokescreen for the unprecedented surveillance powers they are about to get?
Google's Self-Driving Car Takes Blind Man For A Spin
First announced just two years ago, Google's self-driving car project is one of those that not only makes perfect sense, it's a wonder more companies haven't been pushing for the 'Auto' button for quite some time. Aiming to make driving “safer, more enjoyable, and more efficient”, the self-driving car has now completed over 200,000 miles of 'computer-led driving'. But thousands upon thousands of miles isn't important to the search giant by itself, instead Google wanted to show us one of its most inspiring trips...