Hello from Tier 3! Ben Bradley is a prick. Why are we even debating Free School Meals?
Well butter my balls! It feels good to be back (that is a reference to something we say in the show - I'm not just being deliberately gross). Welcome back to The Virtual Pub. It's been a while, hasn't it!
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Got a lot to catch up on, both in our own lives and in the news - here's what we've got coming up.
Since this is the first time we've all spoken in a while, we spend the first half hour catching up - going over the highs and lows of life throughout October, including Jason turning into a single Mum and the pub staff returning to the podcast after the tier 3 closures in Nottingham!
After this, it's time to pick a prick - Jason's choice of Mansfield MP Ben Bradley evolves into a wider discussion about the whole Free School Meals debacle. Primarily, why is it even a debate to begin with? And what needs to happen? We go long, but it's really important we go into this!
Now for some good news, including water on the moon and Scooter with their Christmas Number One attempt!
And finally, the pub quiz and final thoughts.
Help us get Scooter’s F*ck 2020 to Christmas number one!