Civilization II Played For Ten Years. Humanity's 'Nightmare Of Suffering' Revealed

The world has always been predicted to come to a rather horrifying demise due to various different acts of tyranny by the human race.  While we may have listened and ignored in the past, one redditor and his decade-long playthrough of Civilization II has made us think differently.

For those uninformed, the game has a simple premise: To develop a civilization advanced enough to build a spaceship and fly away or to be the last race standing.  Reddit user, Lycerius, opted for the latter, and his Celtic civilization has lived on through to the year 3991 AD.

The world is a hellish nightmare of suffering and devastation.

After a 1700 war waged between himself, The Americans and The Vikings, over 20 meltings of the polar ice caps (a sizeable percentage of the planet is now underwater, and the general anihilation of 90% of the world's population through nuclear warfare, it's fair to say that Earth is not looking like such a great place to be.  As each civilization has fully evolved technologically, a '2000 year death struggle' has ensued, leaving all three sides at a military stalemate.

Lycerius has informed us that he will continue to play this to the end, bringing the world to its ultimate demise.  We'll be following this via the dedicated sub-reddit created around the popularity of his conquest.

Source: Reddit

Jason England

Jason England

I am the freelance tech/gaming journalist, lover of dogs and pizza enthusiast. You can follow me on Twitter @MrJasonEngland.

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