Introducing Self-Isolation Sessions - an introvert’s Twitch series
Starting next week, I will begin streaming regularly on Twitch in my new series - Self-Isolation Sessions.

I am taking on the Macmillan Game Heroes Challenge
In the memory of my Grandad, I’m going to be a Game Hero - doing some fundraising for Macmillan Cancer Support and streaming for 24 hours straight.

What to expect from iPhone 11 - a sneak peek at the cases
What can you expect from Apple’s announcement of iPhone 11?

Research Shows Many Brits Don’t Like The Idea Of Having A Robot Friend
Would you be comfortable with having a robot companion? Unsurprisingly, studies show over 72% of Britons would be uncomfortable with a cyborg chum.

Meet Ultima Thule - The Most Distant World That NASA Has Ever Explored
NASA has revealed a photo of Ultima Thule - the most distant object that humanity has ever explored.

Half Of Britain Will Celebrate Christmas Virtually This Year
Studies have found that half of Brits will be celebrating Christmas virtually this year - sharing the big day over the likes of FaceTime or Skype.

Solar Panels Embedded In Clothes Are The Future Of Mobile Phone Charging
Found yourself stuck with low phone battery and no charger? The future will fix that - thanks to clothing embedded with tiny solar cells the size of a flea!

Soulja Boy Is Selling His Own Video Games Consoles
A lifetime of “cranking it” has come to an end, Soulja Boy has pivoted to selling his own video game consoles and gadget accessories.

These Prototypes Show What Living On Mars Might Look Like
Ever wondered what it would be like to live on Mars? Well, wonder no more as Architectural experts have drawn up some prototypes of the types of housing we could see when the Red Planet is colonised by humans.

Surprise! Influencers Are Lying About Their Numbers
Turns out the Influencer Marketing bubble will burst soon, as their posts, for what they cost, perform terribly. Now I wonder why…

The Basic Tech To Hack Someone’s Brain Exists Today
While we worry cybercriminals may be able to hack the human brain at some point far in the future, turns out the basic tech to do so exists today… Yikes.

Half Of Brits “Disconnected From The Real World” Through Smartphone Addiction
Wait… People In Britain Have A Problem With Smartphone Addiction? No Way!
I’m Taking A Break
Nothing much needs to be said here. I’m taking a short break from posting on here to tackle my own mental health issues head on.

Lab Experiment Accidentally Gave Students Caffeine Dose Equal To 300 Coffees
Many of us need coffee to function, but now we know what having 300 cups in one day will do to you… A UK University messed up an experiment and gave two students this massive dose of caffeine.

Four In Ten 'The Sims' Players Have Purposefully Killed Their Own Sims
A new study has shown that 41% of The Sims players have purposefully killed their Sims. This means 59% of the study’s candidates are liars.

EU Scientists Use Tech Found In iPhone X To Create ‘Lightspeed’ Internet - Another Thing We’ll Miss Out On When Brexit Happens
A team of EU-funded scientists are harnessing the power of next generation lasers to create a light speed internet and remove any server over-capacity issues.

New Rising Media Is Going To See The Asgardia - The World’s First Space Nation
Big news. I’m going to Vienna, to find out more about the world’s first space nation known as Asgardia and a big inauguration of the first head of nation.

Makers Of AdBlock Take Aim At Fake News With ‘Trusted News’ Browser Extension
Eyeo, the makers of Adblock Plus, have launched a new browser extension called Trusted News - basically working like Adblock for fake news content.

Microsoft’s Kinect Finds New Life Helping Parkinson’s Patients
A team at Brunel University London has developed a new system, which helps people with Parkinson’s disease overcome debilitating walking problems.