New Rising Media Is Going To Insomnia Gaming Festival

A first for New Rising Media, proud to announce I’ll be heading out to cover Insomnia Gaming Festival - a bustling Mecca of gaming and geek culture.

Like many of you, I am a pretty avid gamer - see for yourself on my Twitch channel. But my closest contact with much of the culture surrounding it was limited to reviewing the odd title, talking to fellow gamers on forums and watching/reading about esports tournaments online.

Now, that will change, as I head out to Insomnia and check our the cornucopia of BYOC tournaments happening on the day.

Alongside several competitions happening throughout the weekend including Call of Duty, CS:GO, Overwatch and League of Legends, I will be testing some of the latest indie games, going back to my childhood with a bunch of retro titles, checking out the vast variety of different show zones and meeting some prominent personalities in the gaming space.

Look forward to plenty of video and written coverage from the show. There’s still a chance to buy your ticket, so do not miss out! It’d be awesome to meet as many of you lovely readers as possible.

Jason England

I am the freelance tech/gaming journalist, lover of dogs and pizza enthusiast. You can follow me on Twitter @MrJasonEngland.

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