Britain 4G Coverage Is Worse Than Romania, Panama and Peru. UK Government Must Do Better With 5G
A new report by The National Infrastructure Commission shows that Britain is being held back by mobile connectivity that is worse than Albania, Panama, Peru and Romania.

O2 Announces 4G Network Coming August 29th
O2 has announced plans to launch their own 4G network, beginning in three cities on August 29th. The network is to switch on first in London, Bradford and Leeds, with an extra ten cities by the end of the year.
EE Announces 4G Price Tarriffs
Ahead of its official UK launch on October 30th, EE have revealed their variety of phone, SIM only and mobile broadband price plans for its 4G LTE network.
Smartphone prices available at launch along with contract tarriffs are as follow
‘iPad Mini’ And 4G iPad 3 Rumoured To Be Announced Within Days
“7-inch tablets are tweeners: too big to compete with a smartphone, and too small to compete with an iPad. They are going to be DOA [Dead On Arrival].” So said ex-Apple CEO Steve Jobs during an Apple earnings call in October 2010, resolutely shunning any idea that the so-influential tech giant would follow suit of its competitors and opt for a smaller-sized tablet.
EE Will Launch UK's First 4G Network On October 30th
EE has today announced that its 4G network will officially go live for public use on October 30th. The launch will cover 10 cities initially, and will expand to cover a third of the UK population by the end of the year.
Why I'm Buying The iPhone 5, And Why You'd Be Wise To Do So Too
The iPhone 5 wasn't the revolutionary device people anticipated. I get that. The feeling of solidarity through disappointment about the sizeable lack of innovation from the last generation (which had already stung many before with a near identical device compared to the year before that) has been felt by even those faithful solely to Apple. This should have been the phone they announced in 2011.
So why do I find myself as one of the two million who ordered the phone within the hour? After so many blog posts rallying against the purchase of the iPhone 5, recommending such a device is going to be an impossible task.
Everything Everywhere Announce UK's First 4G Network
Everything Everywhere, parent company of UK mobile networks Orange and T-Mobile, have today announced the rollout of the nation's first 4G network, alongside a complete rebranding to 'EE.'
Ofcom Approves Everything Everywhere's Bid To Launch 4G In The UK Within Weeks
Just a day after Culture Secretary Jeremy Hunt promised the UK will have the fastest broadband of any major European country by 2015, telecoms regulator Ofcom has now granted approval to Everything Everywhere – owners of Orange and T-Mobile – that will allow the company to launch 4G ahead of schedule.
Gizmodo Films Co-Workers Gushing Over The 'New iPad' (It's Really An iPad 2)
Though revisions and re-launches of older hardware models is nothing new, at the current pace companies are getting through iterations, there is a definite feeling creeping in of feeling burnt-out by incremental updates to hardware/software or a combination of the two. Apple's new iPad will quite deservedly draw many people in with its super-crisp retina display (a 'resolution' in tablet PC's, as many are putting it), slightly better camera (who really takes photos or videos with their unwieldy iPad anyway), admittedly more powerful processor and 4G capabilities (the UK has no networks using such connectivity). But is that enough of a reason to make the jump from the iPad, let alone the iPad 2?
Orange & T-Mobile Approved By Ofcom To Bring 4G LTE To UK This Year
Preliminary approval has been granted by Ofcom for the 'Everything Everywhere' partnership that is Orange and T-Mobile to launch Britain's first 4G LTE network later this year.
iOS 5.1 Shows '4G' Indicator On iPhone 4S
For meeting network downlink speeds of 14.4Mbps, what AT&T considers to be 4G, the iOS 5.1 update has begun to show "4G" in the status bar instead of "3G." We can't help but feel that this may be everso slightly disingenuous.
The New iPad, 'New iPad', Finally Unveiled By Apple
The tech world sits, watches, waits as Tim Cook walks on stage of what is his second major keynote as the new head of Apple to unveil the long-rumoured third incarnation of the world's most popular tablet. The iPad 3 has been heavily rumoured arguably ever since the iPad 2 finally made its way out to the world, such is the tenacity of Apple fanboys (we've fuelled the fire from time to time, it has to be said), but this evening the curtains have finally been lifted and we can welcome the device with welcome arms, fingers, voice.
O2 conducting tests of London's first 4G LTE network
O2 has commenced testing of their 4G LTE network in Central London for a course of 9 months, providing speeds to hundreds of test subjects of 50mbps realistically (150mbps theoretically).
Both consumers and business users alike will be involved in the testing of O2's recently installed Long Term Evolution (LTE) network across parts of the City, providing download capabilities many times faster than those over 3G.