Skyrim's 'Creation Engine' Powering Fan-Made Remake Of Morrowind
HD makeovers and long-overdue remakes of classic titles are two of the most notable trends in gaming at the moment. Rewarding fans of the original with that warm feeling of nostalgia while also inviting new players to experience the game in a new light, we’ve seen everything from HD ports of the Metal Gear Solid series to an impressive fan-made remake of Half Life with ‘Black Mesa’ in the past few months alone.
Is WoW's Crown About To Slip? The Elder Scrolls Online Is Confirmed
Having to be one of the snuggest fits between license and game genre, an Elder Scrolls MMO has been heavily rumoured for years now. But with two of the most ambitious and gloriously epic role-playing games of this generation having satiated our appetite for the license somewhat in the time since, it’s all but been left by the wayside. Until now that is, as Bethesda has eeked out the first tantalising details of what promises to be the MMO to end all other.
Bethesda Bringing Kinect Support, New Functionality To Skyrim
The Elder Scrolls developer Bethesda has today revealed the details surrounding a huge title update for Skyrim that will see the game undergo a flood of well-deserved changes. While added functionality is a given, the developer also dropped a metaphorical bombshell on those who thought third-party support for Microsoft's hands-free motion control device had ground to a halt. That's right, soon we'll all get to shout our “Fus Ra”'s and our “Iiz Slen Nus”'s like the magical wizards we profess to be: Skyrim is being overhauled for Kinect.

Skyrim Gets A Hint Of Portal With 'Fall of the Space Core' Mod
To celebrate the release of Bethesda's new Skyrim Creation Kit, Valve have created a small mod which drops the Space Core from Portal 2 into the fantasy world of Dragon slaying and the taking of arrows to one's knee. It goes without saying, we love both Portal 2 and Skyrim; but at no point have we ever comprehended the Earth-shaking combination of the two.
Game of the Week: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
It’s odd how the cogs of the game industry turn. After days, weeks and months ticking off the days to pass us over the drought of summer releases, this week sees us treated to two of the biggest, most anticipated releases of the year. With minutes seeming like seconds and hours like mere minutes in Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 thus far this week, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim promises to take whole days away from us completely with its mesmerising blend of high fantasy lore, deep role-playing mechanics and the natural beauty of its expansive world.