Follow-Up: My Response To Commenters And Headphone Jack Loyalists
It looks like I ruffled some feathers with my previous post about why people should just let the headphone jack die - with many of you voicing your own opinions in the comments. This has been a great dialogue to see, and I've picked some to respond to.

The 18th Anniversary Of The Original Playstation: Your Favourite Games
Eighteen years ago, the Playstation was released in America, commencing Sony's meteoric gaming rise in the West. Love it or hate it, there's no denying the emphatic statement this grey box left on the world of modern video games.
Best of Gadget Show Live 2013 Photos
We had an amazing response from people at Gadget Show Live, showing interest in voting for their favourite tech! We've put all the photos on our Facebook; but we're also putting them on here, for those who are too cool for Zuckerberg.
Community Segment: "Guns Don't Kill People, Video Games Do."
Do video games cause real world violence? Our readers have had their say on our Facebook Page. Erin Burnett of CNN made multiple attempts to coerce a psychologist into blame video games for the recent surge in gun violence, following the National Rifle Association's damning of this media form.