Astronomy Photographer Of The Year 2016 Shortlist - Check Out These Awe-Inspiring Space Images
Space. The final frontier. It's a breathtaking juggernaut of discovery that lies just out of the reach of we normal humans. But the shortlisted entries for this year’s Insight Astronomy Photographer of the Year award bring us that little bit closer.

iPhone Photography Award Winners Showcase Stunning Smartphone Photos
The winners of the 2013 iPhone Photography Awards have been announced recently, showing the best of human creativity and the amazing capabilities of your smartphone to take mind blowing pictures. From towering architecture, to stunning vistas, and some haunting portraits to boot, these award winners are shaking the 'hipster' image of iPhone snaps.

Usain Bolt Winning, With Lightning In The Sky. Possibly The Luckiest Piece Of Sports Photography
As a photographer you always have that one shot where the metaphorical stars align, and a strike of luck grants you an amazing shot. This very phenomenon has happened to AFP photographer Olivier Morin, who captured this incredible shot of Usain Bolt at the IAAF World Championships in Moscow.

Stereoscopic Images From World War I Discovered. History's Horrors Animated
A Toronto photography and design studio has found a rare Verascope camera and photographic slides, allowing us to see World War I in 3D. This Verascope handheld stereoscopic camera, created in the 19th century by Jules Richard, was previously owned by the French army during this conflict.

New UK Image Copyright Law Allows Anyone To Use Uploaded Images. The Government Responds
The Enterprise Regulatory and Reform Act, which puts controversial new copyright laws around what is called "orphan works" in place for photos uploaded onto the internet, received Royal Assent and will be published on May 2nd 2013.
#NRMPresents Max Weber - Interview With A Glitch Artist
University Team Create Hi-Res 3D Camera Using Lasers
Not content with claiming our movies and our televisions, 3D is now taking our photographs with a camera system that creates 3D images using lasers from over a kilometre away. And that's no fuzzy blurry image either. From over 1000 metres this camera can snap crisp, high-definition images that are accurate to the millimetre.
Best of Gadget Show Live 2013 Photos
We had an amazing response from people at Gadget Show Live, showing interest in voting for their favourite tech! We've put all the photos on our Facebook; but we're also putting them on here, for those who are too cool for Zuckerberg.

The Art Of Databending
Databending, a concept somewhat akin to circuit bending, is the purposeful creation of glitches within sound files, text, images or videos through esoteric computer wizardry. What started out as an accidental by-product of fickle technology has now evolved into a deliberate aestheticization of damaged information.
Prominent musicians such as Trent Reznor and Detroit-based rapper Danny Brown have employed glitches in their album artwork and music videos, respectively, and various bloggers have dedicated themselves solely to this niche artform.
There are various methods of inducing glitches in your photography, most of which are deceptively simple. I'll be running through these processes using my own work as examples, because I relish any opportunity that allows for flagrant self-promotion. This isn't a tutorial, but since I'm a fundamentally good person I have provided links to some handy guides at the bottom of this article.
'Box' Photography Project. Dark, Twisted Dioramas On Miniature Cardboard Sets
Never before has the murder of Santa Claus looked so visually beautiful, as Belgian collective 354 Photographers demonstrate in their ongoing project Box.
This 3-year-old photography project utilises cardboard and miniature furniture to construct these dramatically bizarre dioramas. The attraction is unfounded, and you cannot really explain why you're drawn in; but they're fantastic.
Maruyama's 'Nude' Series Is Both Artistically And Technically Stunning
Shinichi Maruyama presents us with the perfect example of capturing movement in still images. This concept has been done to death with amateur photographers and sparklers around bonfire night, hence why these awe-inspiring images stand out so well from other movement photography.

American Tintype. 19th Century Photography Brought Into The Digital Age
Staring at your monitor, adjusting your images for hours on end is almost considered the norm for professional photographers now. That is until you hear about someone like Harry Taylor, who has gone back to basics with Tintype, the art of producing photographs directly onto an iron metal sheet negative.
'Pixels For Pistols.' Guns Traded For Cameras In Canadian Anti-Violence Program
Canadian Police have introduced a rather create anti-violence program by the name of 'Pixels for Pistols,' urging the public to trade in firearms for a camera.
Rather akin to the weapon amnesties UK police hold; but with the added bonus of teaching them to shoot perfectly composed images instead of people. A simple yet, so far, effective concept where the public have been asked to trade in their unused firearms, safely and without being charged, for a Panasonic Lumix DMC-FH8 and a lesson on how to use it.
Microbiologist Uses Bacterial Growth To Recreate Famous Portraits
“During my graduate research I invented a new medium,” so says microbiologist-turned-'visual artist' Zachary Copfer. In fact, what he's managed to invent is something quite remarkable, developing entire images using only bacteria.
Samsung Galaxy Camera. A Pointless Product
So Samsung have introduced a slew of new products at their Unpacked conference at IFA 2012. My main focus lies upon one specific product: the Galaxy Camera. I said this when the initial Galaxy Note was released, and it seems that the lesson wasn't learned. So putting it bluntly: converge products too much and they become pointless, like trying to put a phone into a camera, rather than a camera into a phone.
Instacube: The Live Instagram Digital Photo Frame
Ever thought that capturing poorly composed photography and applying viginette filters to give yourself a facade of angst just doesn't make you enough of a hipster anymore? Your prayers have been answered in hardware form, as the folks at D2M have created a particular device called the Instacube.
NASA Commissions Mars-Inspired Sci-Fi Photography
Artists Nicholas Kahn and Richard Selesnick were commissioned by NASA to create a photo-mosaic panoramic image based upon inspiration from pictures captured by Mars Rovers Spirit and Opportunity. This has spawned an entire project of amazing photography titled Mars: Adrift on the Hourglass Sea.
Amazing 360-Degree Panorama Of Mars From Curiosity
Curiosity landed safely, if in a dramatic fashion, and has been sending photos back to Earth ever since. Photographer Andrew Bodrov has stitched a selection of these together to create a full panoramic image, pretty much like Google's Street View on the red planet.

'View From The ISS At Night.' Photographer Creates Amazing Space Timelapse
Photographer Knate Myers has created a visually stunning timelapse video of Earth and space with a series of photographs he took from the International Space Station.