The Hive At Kew Gardens - An Artful Marriage Of Science And Nature
Look, I get it. You’re confused… Why did one of the nerdiest blogs on the planet attend the Kew botanical gardens? Simple - The Hive is worth its 48-tonne weight in innovation and wide-eyed fascination.

This Art Exhibit Turns Tweets Into A Beautiful Sphere Of Emotion
With 350,000 tweets sent every minute, it's impossible to keep track of all the emotions every Twitter user conveys. The Fuse Studio want to change that with an art installation named "Amygdala," which crunches up to 30 tweets per second and visually translates each into one of six emotions: Happiness, anger, sadness, disgust, amazement or fear.

Draw & Code at the Wearable Technology Show
Draw & Code works upon the basis of using technology similar to QR codes, to produce pieces of innovative art with immersive experiences. We had to talk to them at the Wearable Technology Show.

'The Faces Of Facebook' Puts All 1.2 Billion Users On One Page
This is what it would look like if you put all 1,261,587,836 (and counting) Facebook users together in one giant mosaic web page.