Science Discovers The Most Heavy Metal Word In The English Language
A data scientist has crunched the numbers and found the most (and least) heavy metal words in the English language.
LiveJournal: Behind The Scenes Drama Isn't Restricted To Facebook
You may not have even heard of Livejournal: a blogging site that's been active and popular for over a decade now. But it ranks above The Daily Mail Online and even Reddit in the Alexa 500, and it's a social network that I've been a part of before Facebook was a twinkle in Mark Zuckerburg's eye.
Everyone knows the drama behind the creation of Facebook (or at least David Fincher's version); but the drama that surrounds the ownership of of LiveJournal is a bit more hidden. Like any company, LiveJournal was founded, bought and sold several times but in 2009 current owners, SUP Media moved the company from San Francisco all the way to Russia.
The Abbreviation "OMG" Is Much Older Than You Think
Turns out that the abbreviation "OMG" has some rather distinguished roots within the 1917 Royal Navy, instead of every teenage girl's immediate reaction to any sort of situation.
The British voice of Siri didn't actually know he was The British voice of Siri
So you've called your phone every name under the sun, hidden all the dead bodies you had and requested an opening of the pod bay doors. Ever thought that voice sounded familiar? Maybe off your TomTom, or The Weakest Link if you were so televisually adventurous?