Bloody Hell – Our National Press is a Mess!
I expect smears from The Daily Mail, but even our own publicly funded broadcasting service is joining in on the fun...

The Life Of A Freelance Tech/eCommerce Journalist During Amazon Prime Day
A social life? What’s one of those? All I see is Prime Day deals…

Mobile Journalism - A World Of Pubs Where You Don't Have To Clean The Office Microwave
Offices are expensive, you have to have the building, power and water, the little fridge and deal with the inevitable arguments over people not cleaning the microwave. These are some of the expenses, and stresses of having an actual office, in the meatspace.

What Is The Future Of Journalism?
This is a hard one for me to write, when I was asked to write an article on the future of journalism I thought it was would be easy. There was one point in my life when I thought I was the future of journalism. But, no, I am just one of many other journalists struggling to survive.