This Zelda Fan Controls His House With An Ocarina
Forget everything you knew about smart homes and the Legend of Zelda… One particular fan has managed to create a home automation system that is controlled by playing the Ocarina.

Play The Original Legend Of Zelda In 3D On Your Browser
A 3D version of The Legend of Zelda has been created as a 30th anniversary tribute to the original. Built by fans of the original, you can play it right now in your browser

Classic 'Legend Of Zelda' Gets First Person Remake For Oculus Rift
The Legend of Zelda for NES is loved by anyone who has ever heard of Nintendo, so one developer has decided to remake this 8-bit classic as a first-person game for the Oculus Rift virtual reality headset.
Minecraftians Remake Ocarina Of Time. The Best Minecraft Reimagining You’ve Ever Seen
As far as Minecraft remakes go, we’ve seen a mind-boggling number of blocky reinterpretations, from a complete remake of GTA V’s long-rumoured teaser trailer, to catchy chip-tune renditions of modern music. But in a project that has so far taken a whole 9 months to achieve, a few intrepid Minecraft players have done something truly incredible. Welcome to ‘Hyrulecraft’; an alarmingly faithful, to-scale reproduction of the world inhabited by Link in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.