Teenagers Losing Interest In Facebook. Interest In Alternatives Rise
Facebook may still be the most popular social network amongst teenagers, new findings from the Pew Research Centre suggests their interest and enthusiasm for the network is decreasing.
Porn Publisher Sues Tumblr Over Photo Use
If you're a user of the social micro-blogging service, you'll be more than well aware of the presence of near-incessantly uploaded and reblogged pornographic imagery. That is until now, however, as Perfect 10, a pornography publisher has launched a lawsuit against the platform for ingringing on its copyrighted material.
Gentlemint. A Social Discovery Network For Manly Men
Ever wanted to remove yourself from the unmistakably drab discussion from the sea of reprobates that populate the inter-connected likes of Facebook or Twitter? Find yourself to be a conniseur of a male? We may have the cure to an ailment you never knew you have. The fruit of two programmers' labours has produced Gentlemint: a social discovery site for the true gentlemen to perouse 'manly' content.