Chrysler Portal Concept Car Unveiled At CES 2017
Chrysler has announced their latest concept car at CES 2017. Named the Portal, the team claim it is “a car designed by millennials for millennials.”
Weekend Reading: Gadget Show Live Christmas, Real-Life Transformers And Portal On A Calculator
Let's be honest, it's a Sunday and everyone is feeling one of two conditions: hungover or extremely lazy. Since I'm feeling both of these, I shall be brief. The last thing you want to do is go on a content discovery mission through our vast back catalogue of original news, reviews, interviews and features. So, with this in mind, welcome to 'Weekend Reading.'
This is a selection of pieces on New Rising Media from the week gone by, compiled by the Editor-in-chief (the hungover man, me), which you may have missed, or fancy reading again.

Portal Ported To Graphing Calculators
Reddit user Builderboy2005 has created his own version Portal for use on Texas Instruments graphing calculators (the TI-83 and TI-84 specifically). While we have seen past works of porting video games to calculators, it's especially amazing to see the space-warping mechanics of Valve's hit game working on these devices.

Hackaday Builds Portal Gun That Actually Levitates A Companion Cube
Okay, so this isn't quite an accurate replica of Valve's esteemed gravity gun, or a meaningful bid towards reaching a real-life equivalent to it, but even so it serves well as a hardware love letter of sorts to the company – an amalgamation of inventions from Portal and the seminal Half-Life, all in one pretty neat package.
What Would Super Street Fighter II Be Like With A Portal Gun?
It's a question that nobody has really pondered; but as The Pixel Kingdom demonstrate here, the resulting combination of 2D fighter and portal creation device is downright awesome.
Engineer Builds A Real-Life Portal Turret
If ever there was a perfect defensive weapon, it would be a turret with a voice so soothing and design so minimalistically innocent, you feel guilty about murderously destroying it. We have Portal to thank for that; but we are now one step closer to this being a reality, as a budding engineer has built a real-life version of this stationary weapon.