If You Like Radiohead, You’re Going To Love Native Gold EP “A Man We All Admire”
Delivered hauntingly slow and with sonic menace, Native Gold’s brand new EP “A Man We All Admire” appeared in my inbox and I haven’t stopped listening to it since!

Hackaday Builds Portal Gun That Actually Levitates A Companion Cube
Okay, so this isn't quite an accurate replica of Valve's esteemed gravity gun, or a meaningful bid towards reaching a real-life equivalent to it, but even so it serves well as a hardware love letter of sorts to the company – an amalgamation of inventions from Portal and the seminal Half-Life, all in one pretty neat package.
What Would Super Street Fighter II Be Like With A Portal Gun?
It's a question that nobody has really pondered; but as The Pixel Kingdom demonstrate here, the resulting combination of 2D fighter and portal creation device is downright awesome.

Skyrim Gets A Hint Of Portal With 'Fall of the Space Core' Mod
To celebrate the release of Bethesda's new Skyrim Creation Kit, Valve have created a small mod which drops the Space Core from Portal 2 into the fantasy world of Dragon slaying and the taking of arrows to one's knee. It goes without saying, we love both Portal 2 and Skyrim; but at no point have we ever comprehended the Earth-shaking combination of the two.
The New Rising Media Top 10 Games Of 2011
2011 has been a great year for gaming. Granted, we feel it may not have been one of the best; but there's still been a generous handful of dilectible experiences for both experienced and newcomers to video games alike. Now we know how this works: create a list to perpetuate discussion and disagreement, as to generate a buzz around your site. We understand that risk going into this; but there's also the urge in the more opinionated of us in the office to tell you exactly which are our favourites. So Happy New Year, here is out Top 10 games of 2011.