McDonald's Staff Assault Inventor Of AR Glasses
Canadian university professor and inventor of Eyetap, Steve Mann was assaulted this week at a McDonalds, whilst on holiday with his family in Paris, France. After purchasing their meals and sitting down by the window to watch the world go by three men came up to Mann and his family, assaulting the professor and throwing them out onto the street.

EyePhone: Apple Is Latest To File 'Wearable Computer' Patent
The filing of a patent is far from a sure-fire marker to signal what it is a company is developing behind closed doors. Literally, hundreds of thousands of patents are filed every single year, and the very largest technology companies are responsible for a good grand of them just by themselves. Still, some patents just simply can not be ignored, such is the one granted to Apple Inc. today, entitled “Peripheral treatment for head-mounted displays.”
Science Fiction Turning Into Science Fact
I may be a poor graduate; but the savings are still on course to help me afford my Mattel Hoverboard in 2015. A mere three years to go and I can purchase the one item which ultimately captured my complete childhood amazement in Back to the Future. I just hope they bring out one that isn’t pink because I want them to match my Nikes.
Aspirations of levitation aside, it’s astounding how many (so-called) fictional inventions are coming strangely close to existence. Technology is advancing at an astounding rate and inventions that seemed impossible in the recent past are being developed right now. Think about it this way: You’re reading this on a device that has more computing power than they used to land on the moon back in 1969. Imagine what can be done now.
Valve Working On 'Wearable Computing', Not A Console In Sight
Trying to sift fiction from fact is a job that becomes an almost daily ritual when reporting within the tech world. Speculation will start off relatively slow-burning, hit a crescendo of wild rumours and obvious fabrications at its height, and begin to tail off, just as the cycle starts once again. But game company Valve has chosen to put an end to the fervent rumours circulating all over the net about what many deemed to be its own home console – rivalling the next-gen Xbox, PlayStation and the Wii U – and capitalising on its grasp on the digital market with Steam, with a piece of hardware that can only be described as a 'wearable computer'.
Google Reveals 'Project Glass' Augmented Reality Specs
Google have officially lifted the veil on their rather science fiction-styled Augmented reality eyewear, going by the name of 'Project Glass.'
The company's research division has created a Google+ page for the project, allowing to give updates on the progress of development. While it has been said we could see these by year's end, even The New York Times said we could be seeing them this year for the average price of a smartphone, we wouldn't hold our breath for a release until at least 2013.