Why Are Facebook Pages Posting Still Images As Videos?
Viral Facebook pages are regularly sharing still images as videos - much to the confusion and annoyance of users everywhere. Here is why they do this…

Receiving iPhone Calendar Spam? Here's How To Stop It
iPhone users - chances are you've received a calendar invite to "$19.99 Ray-Ban Sunglasses," or a "50%-off Ugg Boot" sale. Now while you may want to clear your calendar and take advantage of these incredible prices, unfortunately, they're fake. Here's how to get rid of them.
Facebook Takes Clickjacking Suspect To Court
Ever clicked on a Facebook link and found it shared to your profile, projected to your reems of friends without your prior permission to share said link? Clickjacking has been a rather nasty thorn in the sides of many-a-user of the social network, and Facebook aren't going to take it anymore, as they take Washington-based marketing company Adscend Media to court over accusations of unwanted spam-causing practice.
Facebook Fights back against porn and violence spam
Ever thought that your Facebook new feed is looking a lot more...voyeuristic lately? What about the occasional inclusion of a death scene photo, or of extreme violence? The social network is investigating these images that spammers have planted.