An Ode To Telltale’s 'The Walking Dead’ - One Of The Greatest Video Game Stories Ever Told
And so we reach the end of The Walking Dead - Telltale Games’ swan song and probably one to the best stories I’ve had the pleasure of experiencing.

The Future Of The Walking Dead Is Bleak And Full Of Shock Value Over Story
The Walking Dead returned for its seventh season premiere – and much like the taste of Marmite, it has divided the planet on whether it was a good episode or not.
Well, you can put me in the “not good” category because not only the televisual equivalent of being slowly dragged through broken glass, it pretty much guarantees that the screenwriters have waved a fond farewell to meaningful stories in favour of shock value.

Watch All The Trailers From San Diego Comic Con 2016
When it comes to trailers that send geeks like me into meltdown, San Diego Comic Con is the time and place to get them. So sit back and enjoy all the 2016 trailers in once place.

The Walking Dead: 400 Days Review
When it comes to The Walking Dead: 400 Days, following in the footsteps of greatness can be a tricky thing.
The Walking Dead: Episode Five – No Time Left Review
The concluding part to Telltale Games' The Walking Dead presents not only an end; but a beginning.
This may seem like the generic vague statement that; but its relevance is strong. One of the best games this year has come to its explosive finale, and a revolution of in-game storytelling has been introduced with it.
Lee Everett's narrative in No Time Left is emotional, terrifying, exciting, and tense all at once, making for a fitting conclusion that will affect even the most hardened of players.
*EDITOR'S NOTE:* While the storyline of No Time Left will not be spoiled in this review, I do write about key plot points from the previous episodes. If you have not played any of the series, you may want to refrain from reading, in order to keep it a surprise.
The Walking Dead: Episode Four – Around Every Corner Review
The Walking Dead has been the epitome of Telltale's vision of episodic gaming, and Around Every Corner has the particularly difficult task of playing out the penultimate chapter to this: the first of (what we hope to be) many seasons to come. Book of Eli writer Gary Witta leaves his dark signature upon the piece, tackling child endangerment, burying the dead, and a society where the idea of "survival of the fittest" is taken to inhumane lengths. But the one question remains: does this setup make for an episode that lives up to the finely tuned creations of past?
Hyundai Introduces The World's First Zombie-Proof Car
There are a few essential items you'll likely need to acquire when the zombie apocalypse hits. Cricket bat a la Shaun of the Dead? Perhaps. A lifetime supply of Super Noodles for the inevitable starvation period? Most probably. But when it comes to getting away from the hordes of undead roaming the streets, there's little else out there that can match the brute strength and zombie-bashing capabilities of a zombie-proof car.