You need to watch Waves - my spoiler-free review
Waves is one of the most emotionally powerful films I have ever seen. If this is the calibre of film we can expect, this is going to be a very exciting decade…

You need to watch Joker - my spoiler-free review
Joker is not an entertaining film - it is an impactful one, making for the best movie of the decade.

Why ‘A Quiet Place’ Is The Best Film I’ve Seen In Years
I just got round to watching A Quiet Place and, well… Here’s why it single-handedly exceeded all my expectations, to become the best film I’ve seen this decade.

10 Unexpectedly Terrifying Movies That Will Make You Never Trust Again
Horror movies are one thing, but here are ten non-horror films that unexpectedly scare the living bejesus out of you.

Watching Batman In A Courthouse And Touring The Caves Of Nottingham
I went to watch the Batman (1989) at Nottingham’s National justice Museum. It was a weird-yet-awesome experience that I shared with LeftLion.
Why Unfriended Is The Best Horror Movie Of The Decade
Unfriended came out of nowhere in the middle of 2015 and was critically panned. But screw the critics, I think it’s one of the best horror films of the decade.
7 Of The Best Movies Based On Games
Video games and movies have a mixed relationship. In this list, let’s celebrate the high points with the 7 best films based upon games that have ever been created!

Ready Player One Review
Ready Player One is an incredible novel by Ernest Cline, but does it safely make the transition onto the big screen? With Steven Spielberg at the helm, I was nervous…

Porgs Exist In The Last Jedi Because Of The Real Puffins On Location
Think that Porgs exist in Star Wars: The Last Jedi purely to fuel the Disney merchandise machine? You couldn’t be more wrong…

Star Wars: The Last Jedi Review (Spoiler-Free)
It may not be as good as Empire, but Star Wars: The Last Jedi is a fun, fresh take on the movie’s formula.

Interview With Nathan Sawaya - The Artist Behind The Art Of The Brick: DC Super Heroes
I love Lego and DC super heroes made my childhood. Naturally, my interest was peaked by 'The Art of the Brick: DC Super Heroes' art exhibit in London. Here's what I thought of it, along with an exclusive interview with the mind behind this amazing work - Lego artist Nathan Sawaya.

Will Wonder Woman 2 Get The Green Light It Deserves?
With the release of Wonder Woman in cinemas has surely come a renaissance for female leads in superhero films.

Way Too Early Predictions About Star Wars: The Last Jedi
So the name of the eighth instalment in the Star Wars franchise has been revealed as The Last Jedi. Let's make some way-too-early story predictions...

Maypole Or Meatball? The Love Actually Conundrum
I’ll be honest… I’m writing this article in an attempt to defend myself in the face of sheer Love Actually related embarrassment. While speaking to my girlfriend about this wonderful film, I let drop that my understanding of Joe’s famous line to Billy Mack is “Ten minutes at Elton John’s, and you’re as gay as a meatball,” rather than “maypole.”

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story Review
Another year, another Star Wars movie. Does this spin-off capture the essence of the universe, while making for a compelling story?

Study Shows Netflix Users Have A Strange, New Binge-Watching Routine
Netflix has gotten to know their 86 million members pretty well, and the latest research proves that. The streaming company has released new data that shows how people are binge-watching content, uncovering some strange tendencies amongst people.

You Can Now Download Netflix Movies And TV Shows For Offline Viewing
Probably the most requested Netflix feature has now become a reality. In their new update, you can now download movies and TV shows for offline viewing.

Which Superhero Is The Strongest? University Study Finds Out
For decades, nerds have waged war over one simple question - who is the strongest superhero? Students at the University of Leicester have decided to settle this argument with science - conducting a study to find out the strongest of them all.

Disgruntled Scottish Suicide Squad Fan Suing Warner And DC For False Advertising
Chances are you’ve seen Suicide Squad reviews, and they’ve not been positive, to say the least. Well, one viewer from Scotland is taking Warner Bros. and DC to court for false advertising.

Love Trashy Films? You're Probably Smarter Than Most People, Study Says
Having a guilty pleasure for Sharknado doesn’t make you a cultural cretin - it actually means you probably have an above-average education and prefer the occasional arthouse cinema film.