Violent Video Games Are Not To Blame For The Florida School Shooting
A Kentucky Governor has blamed the Florida school shooting on violent video games, not guns - bringing up a debate that was settled years ago. Allow me to respond…
Community Segment: "Guns Don't Kill People, Video Games Do."
Do video games cause real world violence? Our readers have had their say on our Facebook Page. Erin Burnett of CNN made multiple attempts to coerce a psychologist into blame video games for the recent surge in gun violence, following the National Rifle Association's damning of this media form.
Connecticut Town Holds Drive To Collect And Destroy Violent Video Games
In the wake of the school shooting in Newtown, a town in Connecticut is hosting a "Violent Video Games Return Program" to collect and destroy these titles. Despite the name, this extends to all types of violent media, and the local Chamber of Commerce will give a $25 gift certificate in return for any submissions.