Why Nobody Will Buy Self-Driving Cars For A Long Time To Come
Self-driving cars are the future, but are humans ready for them? The answer is a resounding “no,” and you shouldn’t expect to see them for a long time…

Foc.us Headset Shocks Your Brain To Improve Gaming
Shock therapy to improve your high score. The Foc.us gaming headset is the world's first commercial Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation Headset, applying a small current to the front part of your brain to improve your cognitive functions and short-term memory.
Apple Brand Loyalty Is Declining, Study Shows
An annual study conducted by Strategy Analytics has found that customer loyalty to technology superpower Apple has been found lacking, with the research highlighting a definite drop in the percentage of consumers likely to opt for a new model of the iPhone in the future.
Infographic of the day: How much money will consumers spend this Christmas?
You might have to run the numbers through Google currency; but we're in a Christmassy mood, so why not! What are people most likely going to be buying this holiday? What social networks will people research their presents by? And how much money will people spend on presents? All answered in our Infographic of the day, another one done courtesy of lab42.