Watch The Nokia Lumia Event Here LIVE
Nokia is expected to launch a new flagship Windows 8 phone at a launch event in London today, and we will be streaming the event here live at 10am BST.
Watch The Samsung Galaxy S4 Announcement LIVE
IT’s Not Just For The Boys – A Conference For Female Undergrads Studying Computing
'IT's not just for the boys' at Bloomberg HQ in central London. Sat with a group of 80, gathering personal insight into the IT sectors of larger companies. It seems ironic that the first piece of advice that I would receive for working in this area is to not spend all your time behind a computer screen; but, then again, it seems like one of the most valuable tips.
Nokia Lumia 920 Announced
Nokia have unveiled the next flagship device in their Windows Phone line, the Lumia 920, at the Windows Phone 8 event in Manhattan.
Google goes to eleven. Music event announced
Invites have started going out to tech journalists to attend a Google Event on November 16th. The obvious Spinal Tap reference means that this will most definitely be announcement of the release and expansion of Google Music.
Bring 2.8 Hours Later to Nottingham and Lincoln
We hear a multitude of plans for urban regeneration: the cultural upgrades of whatever potential creative hubs we have within the two cities in which we writers reisde. But there is another simple option. Zombies.
Pete Townshend complains about music downloading
He didn't have a problem with child pornography; but with the amount he's paid for downloads? Thats where The Who's own Pete Townshend draws the line in the metaphorical sand.
Speaking at a music industry event last night, Townshend started to make a statement about Apple for their percentage share of income to artist, labelling the boys in Cupertino as a “digital vampire” and said if they do ”even one of the things on my wish-list [my inner artist] will offer to cut off his own balls.”