Moon-landing Conspiracy Debunked Using Video Game Graphics Cards
Nvidia, makers of video game graphics technology claim they have used it to recreate the lunar landing to prove it wasn't fake, refuting the hoax that it was filmed on a movie set.
Got Battlefield 3? Got a 4GB Xbox 360 slim? Prepare for old-school textures...maybe
Our review of Battlefield 3 will be going up tonight; but we've found something of particular interest that (if it's not just an isolated incident to us, and we hope for you guys it is) seems to be a real slap in the face to those who got the 4GB version of the new Xbox 360.
Editorial: The importance of video game visuals
True photo-realistic visuals within gaming are, to many, the Holy Grail of the medium.
It’s why game developers strive to produce the most stunning ultra hi-res textures, multi-
million polygonal models and sophisticated lighting models on a daily basis, satiating our
appetite for such sparkling HD fare.