Why Are Facebook Pages Posting Still Images As Videos?
Viral Facebook pages are regularly sharing still images as videos - much to the confusion and annoyance of users everywhere. Here is why they do this…

Star Wars Vs. Game Of Thrones Subreddit Compares Two Rather Similar Universes
When separate, the differences seem vast; but compare them and the similarities become clear. That is exactly what's happened in the 'Star Wars Vs. Game of Trones' Subreddit, which spars these two major media properties in some of the funniest memes we've seen lately.
Facebook Memology presents the most popular topics and cultural trends of 2011
Let's be honest, this is only scratching the surface as to how many data trends the social network are collecting about its users; but the Facebook Data Team have returned to present this year's Memology, tapping into the social graph by tracking 2011's most talked about topics, memes and the widely used acronyms on the service.