The Sun now claims denied hacking is an "Xbox fraud cover-up"
The Sun have fought back against Microsoft's dismissal of its front page "exclusive," claiming Xbox Live was hacked by throwing out accusations of a cyber fraud "cover-up."
Earlier this week (Tuesday to be exact), The Sun ran a front page story in its newspaper about a "Crime Exclusive," reporting that thousands of Xbox Live accounts had been hacked, stealing millions of pounds in the process. Microsoft released a statement, denying claims of hacking, confirming that the infrastructure itself is safe, and stating that this was a case of a phishing scam (online attempts to con people into giving you their personal details).
Xbox Live Phishing Scam Front Page News
The front page of The Sun was today adorned not with reports that a number of Xbox Live members have been victims of an email-based phishing scam. The scam sought to gather account details from users of the service when clicking through to retrieve free Xbox Live Microsoft Points.