Timesplitters Rewind Is In Development For Playstation 4
Timesplitters is making a comback. A collection of maps, weapons and characters from the three previous titles in the series are being developed and released on Playstation 4, under the name of Timesplitters Rewind.
Living Room PC's Are Coming, To Compete With Next-Gen Consoles Says Gabe Newell
Rumours of the so-called 'Steam Box' – a console-like PC for the living room, powered by Valve's cherished gaming service – have been floating around the Internet for many months now, but that's all they've ever been: rumours. Now, we might just have the kind of evidence we were looking for that the company behind Half-Life and Portal are at least thinking about a PC/Console hybrid, ready to compete with the likes of the PS4 and Xbox 720.
Sony E3 2012 Press Conference LIVE
After a distinctly unremarkable showing from Microsoft just a few hours ago, Sony has a tremendous opportunity to make E3 2012 its own. Nintendo will likely have a strong presentation with a re-showing of the Wii U, but it's really Sony's to lose right now.
Rumour: Production of Next Xbox Imminent, Dev Kits Expected By April
The successor to the Xbox 360 is strongly rumoured to be entering its manufacturing stages, according to reports. This comes a week after SemiAccurate’s Charlie Demerjian reported that 32-nanometer chips code-named ‘Oban’ will be powering Microsoft’s third gaming console and had been in production since “the final days of 2011”. According to Demerjian, Microsoft is planning to combine a Power PC central processor from IBM – and co-manufactured by GlobalFoundries - with the Radeon HD 7000-series GPU from AMD as the basis for the '720'.