What Can We Expect From The Next Generation Xbox?
The day of reckoning is fast approaching. After what is perhaps one of the longest console generations ever seen, Microsoft will finally announce their next iteration of the wildly successful Xbox.
Three Playable Characters Confirmed For GTA V, Plus More Details
GTA V might just be the most anticipated videogame ever, and that's quite a feat. But while news on Rockstar's latest has been drip-fed up to this point, tiding us over before another snippet of information becomes available, Game Informer has today answered some of the more pressing questions surrounding the game.
Is WoW's Crown About To Slip? The Elder Scrolls Online Is Confirmed
Having to be one of the snuggest fits between license and game genre, an Elder Scrolls MMO has been heavily rumoured for years now. But with two of the most ambitious and gloriously epic role-playing games of this generation having satiated our appetite for the license somewhat in the time since, it’s all but been left by the wayside. Until now that is, as Bethesda has eeked out the first tantalising details of what promises to be the MMO to end all other.
Motorola Droid RAZR leaked through teaser site
The Motorola RAZR makes it's android-flavoured return in a teaser page posted tonight.
Droid-Life found an image of the ultra-thin phone stashed away on the teaser page that went up this morning, and it’s pretty much exactly what we had leaked to us earlier this month, exclusive to Verizon in the US, including 4G LTE and that patterned Kevlar back plate.