Porn stash found at Bin Laden's compound

People have needs...and he was no exception.

In a time of remaining clear of interconnectivity, watching yourself give speeches and filling up 2.7 terabytes of data, even Osama Bin Laden got a little too bored one day.  The Navy SEALS of the May 2 raid announced their finding of "fairly extensive collection of modern, electronically recorded video" of a pornographic nature.  No further information is given as to what it was, and whether any confirmation could be found that Osama watched it himself.  But we ponder if the porn industry are thinking if any of their videos made their way to the terrorist himself Osama and how they can make a profit from this.

Other rumours have circulated comments boards the world over that this could be CIA propaganda; but why would you propagate this message?  Make him have a collection of child porn or something!  The regular stuff is just a past time for the majority of us.

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Jason England

I am the freelance tech/gaming journalist, lover of dogs and pizza enthusiast. You can follow me on Twitter @MrJasonEngland.

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