Don’t be a moron - the 5G coronavirus conspiracy is NOT TRUE
Burning 5G towers? Believe that 5G causes coronavirus? Here is an NHS GP telling you to stop being a dick - debunking every conspiracy theory.

Coronavirus - the facts, the future and what I think we should do
With Coronavirus (COVID-19) here to stay, I breakdown the science and form an opinion on what the next steps should be.
3 Reasons Why The Future Is Better Than You Think It Is…
It may not be easy to see it right now, but the future will be better than you fear.

The Pointless Pseudoscience Of Young People And Screen Time
So, a study has come about how teens are not damaged by screen time… Let’s take it with a pinch of salt, shall we?

5 Weird/Amazing Facts About Space - The Learn Something Podcast Is Back!
On today’s episode of Learn Something, let’s talk all about Space - including Venus, a 4 billion mile mission and why the moon landing is NOT a hoax.

Meet Ultima Thule - The Most Distant World That NASA Has Ever Explored
NASA has revealed a photo of Ultima Thule - the most distant object that humanity has ever explored.

The Story Behind Mars Orbiter’s Perfect Postcard Picture
Winter is coming to Mars, and the European Space Agency’s orbiter has taken an incredible picture of this otherworldly mile-deep ice crater.

These Prototypes Show What Living On Mars Might Look Like
Ever wondered what it would be like to live on Mars? Well, wonder no more as Architectural experts have drawn up some prototypes of the types of housing we could see when the Red Planet is colonised by humans.

Memes Cause Teen Obesity? That's A Bit Of A Stretch, Loughborough University
In one of the more ridiculous stories of the week, Loughborough academics sent a letter to UK parliament, informing them that memes cause teen obesity…

Why Does The Same Music Sound Faster Sometimes?
Ever thought your favourite song sounded faster than usual? No, it’s not just you. There’s a rather fascinating scientific explanation…

Lab Experiment Accidentally Gave Students Caffeine Dose Equal To 300 Coffees
Many of us need coffee to function, but now we know what having 300 cups in one day will do to you… A UK University messed up an experiment and gave two students this massive dose of caffeine.

My Journey To Asgardia - The World’s First Space Nation In Vienna
You may not have heard of Asgardia before now… Allow me to introduce you to the crypto-funded nation that wants to colonise the moon in 25 years.

Welcome To Asgardia - The Cryptocurrency-funded Nation With Eyes On The Moon
In ancient Norse mythology, Asgard, home to the gods, was a city in the sky – now a group of regular people on planet Earth have a project to build a whole nation in space.
Happy Birthday, NHS - Learn Something Episode 35
Learn Something is back! On this week's episode, let's celebrate 70 years of the incredible institution that is the NHS.

New Rising Media Is Going To See The Asgardia - The World’s First Space Nation
Big news. I’m going to Vienna, to find out more about the world’s first space nation known as Asgardia and a big inauguration of the first head of nation.

Microsoft’s Kinect Finds New Life Helping Parkinson’s Patients
A team at Brunel University London has developed a new system, which helps people with Parkinson’s disease overcome debilitating walking problems.

The UK Moves One Step Closer To Building Europe’s First Spaceport
The UK government’s goal to build the first spaceport in Europe (and my dream to see a rocket launch in person) took one step closer to being a reality.

My Stephen Hawking Obituary - His Passing Leaves A Vacuum Of Inspiration & Knowledge In The Universe
At the age of 76, Stephen Hawking - cosmology’s brightest start and one of the most important physicists in human history - has died at his home in Cambridge. Here is an obituary by the creator of New Rising Media.
Snow And Smartphones ❄️📱 - Learn Something Episode 29
On this episode of Learn Something - amidst the UK’s worst snowstorm in 50 years and Mobile World Congress - I’m sharing weird & wonderful facts about snow & smartphones that you’ve (probably) never heard before…