Parliament's Porn Habit Laid Bare. 300,000 Attempts To Access 'Adult' Websites From Work Computers
The Houses of Parliament maybe debating a crackdown on online pornography; but that doesn't stop the 'adult' urges whilst hard at work. Official records obtained by the Huffington Post suggest that more than 300,000 attempts were made to access porn websites from their work computers in the past year.
The camera that filmed Star Wars sold for £400,000
Got a spare £400k handy? If you had you would probably invest it in something more impactful on your life than a 35mm Panavision PSR camera from 1977...that is until you learn that truth that this was the very camera that filmed the first Star Wars movie.
Facebook status character limit increases to over 60,000
Waving two fingers at the 140 character limit of Twitter, Facebook users can use such an amount to ramble before getting to the point, as the limit has been upped to "more than 60,000."
It was announced via a picture (above) that Facebook's Journalist manager Vadim Lavrusik uploaded to his wall, making the claim:
In September, we increased the character limit on status updates to 5,000 characters. Today, we're announcing that you can now write posts with more than 60,000 characters.
63,206 to be specific.