My Mental Health Is Not For Sale
As online depression test websites leak answers and test results with third parties for advertising purposes, something has clearly gone wrong with European data protection.

This Billboard Mimicks Human Sweat To Kill Zika Mosquitoes
A new billboard has been created in Brazil to attract and kill mosquitoes by mimicking human sweat. Logically called the "Mosquito Killer," this has been launched by two advertising agencies to raise awareness about the Zika virus and help combat the spread.

The Chuckle Brothers Become Brutal Assassins In Real-Life Hitman Game
Oh dear oh dear. You've probably already seen the live-action version of Hitman that IO Interactive helped make to promote their new game, which YouTubers had a field day with. But it wasn't just them. Turns out the Chuckle Brothers had a go too, and they are ferocious assassins.

UK ISPs Told Adverts Need To Feature Clearer Pricing
If you live in the UK, chances are you've seen Broadband internet advertised for a small amount per month, followed by the smallest text highlighting the monthly line charge of £12.99. This is a clear deception, and the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) agrees. New guidelines have been set up to stop ISPs hiding their service and line costs.

New Rising Media Is Dead. Long Live Neo-Entity
So as you may have noticed, I haven’t been posting much from New Rising Media lately, and have linked you to a website called Neo-Entity. This site is the re-invention of us and our purpose that I’d love to talk to you about now, on the fourth Birthday of this brand.