This Japanese piggybacking robot feeds you tomatoes while you run a marathon
When you think of wearable tech, would a robot that you carry via piggyback while it feeds you tomatoes during a marathon come to mind?
Robot Driven By A Moth. Scientists One Step Closer To Lifelike Automatons
A team of scientists at the University of Tokyo have created a two-wheeled robot, which was driven by male silkmoths in pursuit of a female moth pheromone. This has been done to study and apply the moth's tracking skills, furthering the scientific pursuit towards autonomous robots that mimic life.
DARPA's Headless, Four-Legged 'LS3' Robot Now Follows Voice Commands
If the Terminator ever needed a four-legged companion, we imagine DARPA’s robotic pack mule, the Legged Squad Support System (LS3) would be a strong contender for the title.