New prosthetic leg controlled by the mind
Doctors in Europe have unveiled the first viable brain-controlled bionic leg in Copenhagen, working without external computers and working much more like a real leg than ever before.

Researchers Create Brain-To-Brain interface. Control Animals With Thought
Harvard University researchers have created the world's first non-invasive brain-to-brain interface between a human and a rat. Simply put, you can control the rat with thoughts, making for a both fascinating-yet-terrifying discovery (hello Nineteen-Eighty Four). This is a critical step towards technology allowing for telepathic links between human beings.
Researchers Create The First Wireless Brain-Computer Interface. Move Things With Your Mind On The Go
Researchers at Brown University have created the first wireless, implantable, rechargeable brain-computer interface. This presents a medical breakthrough for the disabled, which will be tested on humans soon after 13 months of successful trials with monkeys and pigs.
Brain-Activated Muscle Stimulation Restores Movement After Paralysis
All nerves and brain signals to operate your limbs go through the spinal cord, so most forms of paralysis occur due to damage of this area. But what if this was bypassed entirely, and your brain directly controlled these otherwise motionless limbs instead? This is a feat that researchers at Chicago's Northwestern University have been successful in carrying out.