Virginia Man Handed $1.5 Million Fine For Sharing 10 Adult Movies
In a court case that has resulted in the largest ever damages penalty awarded in a BitTorrent case, a court in Illinois has ordered a man from Hampton, Virginia to pay $1,500,000 ($1.5 million) to adult entertainment company Flava Works for sharing just 10 of its gay porn movies on the popular file-sharing website.
Apple Appeal Fails, Ordered To Run Samsung ‘Apology’ Ads
In the latest verdict in a long line of patent disputes between the two technology giants, a UK judge has sided in favour of Samsung in an ongoing case over design patents relating to the iPad. With it, Apple will be ordered to run advertisements in British newspapers and magazines, as well as its website, stating that Samsung did not infringe Apple’s design patents.
Samsung Report Shows How Much iPhone Influenced Galaxy S Design
Apple has successfully admitted an internal Samsung report into evidence, which compares all design facets of the company's own Galaxy S to the iPhone.
Porn Star Sued By Man For Not Following Him Back On Twitter
A man in his 40s has taken famous Chinese porn actress (star of such classics as Big T*ts Zombie), Sola Aoi to court for refusing to follow him back on Twitter after repeated requests.
Such is the flippant nature of the judicial system.
The Original 'Google Phone' Revealed
As part of Google's court case continues against Oracle over Android, a set of slides have been shown today exposing photos of the original Google Phone: the first proposed Android device from way back in 2006.

Man Sues Google For Catching Him Peeing On Google Maps
A middle-aged man in France has sued Google because of a particular Street View image, showing him taking a leak in his front yard.
Judge orders divorcing couple to share Facebook passwords
Most divorce cases usually end in the sharing of tangible property: the contrived arguments over who has rightful ownership of what, digging through the obligatory fact that everything is shared to land on a conclusion of individual items. But this is probably the first time where a court case has resulted in the two sides being ordered to share their Facebook passwords.