One Step Closer To A Healthcare Breakthrough... Indian DNA Fills Gap In Worldwide Genomics Data
Global Gene Corp and GA4GH (Global Alliance for Genomics and Health) are delighted to announce the launch of ggINDIA, the first ever beacon for Indian genomics data. This Beacon joins those already on the Wellcome Genome Campus supplied by EMBL-EBI and the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute. I will get the obvious question out the way - what on Earth is genomics data? Let's find out...

Bento Lab: A DNA Laboratory for Everybody
Bento Lab is a portable DNA laboratory designed for anyone and everyone. It aims to bring molecular biology to the masses without the need for a full lab, or huge cash investment. Founded by Bethan Wolfenden and Philipp Boeing, Bento Lab is currently seeking funding on Kickstarter.
Digital Data Stored On DNA. The Hard Drive Of The Future?
Researchers have successfully encoded MP3s, text files and JPEGs into DNA files, claiming that the biomolecular material will become an "attractive storage medium" in just a few decades.
Jellyfish-Inspired Microchip Captures Cancer Out Of The Bloodstream
A team of researchers have drawn inspiration from the Jellyfish to design a microchip coated with DNA tentacles, which can capture cancerous cells in the bloodstream and provide a new way of combatting this disease in patients.
Police Could Soon Create CG Image Of A Suspect Using DNA Alone
Following advances in the identification of genes associated with how someone looks, it is soon hoped police will be able to reconstruct the shape and identify key facial features of a suspects' face from their DNA alone.
Nowhere To Hide: FBI To Roll-Out $1 Billion Facial Recognition System
The FBI has revealed its plans to launch a $1 billion Minority Report-like facial recognition system across the United States so unprecedented in scope that it will be able to be used to identify criminals with greater than 90 percent accuracy.
Genome Sequencing Brings Girl From 80,000 Years Ago To Life
A new form of Genome Sequencing, invented by the Max Planck Institute in Leipzig, has successfully re-built the DNA of a Siberian girl from 80,000 years ago.