Your Brain Can Recover Lost Memories With Electric Shocks
For the centuries that humanity has researched the brain, we’ve believed that a memory is only preserved if the connected neurons were active. But that has just been proven wrong, as scientists have discovered that small jolts of electricity to the cranial mass can actually recover lost memories. Headset Shocks Your Brain To Improve Gaming
Shock therapy to improve your high score. The gaming headset is the world's first commercial Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation Headset, applying a small current to the front part of your brain to improve your cognitive functions and short-term memory.
Researchers Create Urine-Powered Mobile Phone
Researchers from the University of the West of England and the University of Bristol have invented a mobile phone powered by urine. They are currently seeking funding to take this project forward.
Our Own Heartbeat Could Power Future Pacemakers
We've already seen scientists propose harnessing glucose within the human body could power self-sufficient medical implants, now scientists have proved our own heart beat could generate enough electricity to power pacemakers.
British Scientists Produce Petrol From Fresh Air
In no uncertain terms, this could be huge. In what could be a 'game-changer' for the global energy crisis and a step on the way to combating global warming, a small team of scientists from a company in the North-East of England have developed an 'air capture' technology that can produce synthetic petrol using little more than air and electricity.
Man Creates DIY Tesla Gun. Promises It's Just Art
Self-proclaimed 'mad scientist' Rob Flickenger has brought the Tesla coil of the steam punk era into rifle form, creating an awe-inspiring lightning gun.