The Story Behind Mars Orbiter’s Perfect Postcard Picture
Winter is coming to Mars, and the European Space Agency’s orbiter has taken an incredible picture of this otherworldly mile-deep ice crater.

Venus Express Gathers Crucial Data About Venus' Atmosphere While Trapped in Low Orbit
Before plummeting beneath the clouds forever, the European Space Agency (ESA)’s Venus Express unearthed a few more secrets about our sister planet. Its final months in low orbit revealed the planet to be much colder and far less dense than expected.

Global Mission To Destroy Space Debris Under Way. Nets, Harpoons And Lasers Could Be Used
With approximately 27,000 pieces of space debris orbiting the Earth, the European Space Agency has declared an urgency to take them out and protect our planet and crucial communications satellites. How do they plan to do this? Weapons of choice vary from nets and harpoons, to suicide robots.
Researcher Recreates What The Big Bang Sounded Like
In the beginning, there was bass. University of Washington physicist John Cramer has used sophisticated data from a recent satellite mission to produce an audio recreation of the big bang.
ESA Develops App That Turns Your Drone Into A Spacecraft
The Parrot drone quadcopter is a commercially-available drone notable for the fact that it can be controlled with an iOS Device, and now the European Space Agency is using this to help simulate docking with a virtual space station.

ESA Proposes 3D Printed Moon Bases Made Out Of Lunar Soil
Setting up a lunar base could be made much simpler by using a 3D printer to build it with materials taken from the Moon itself. Industrial partners including renowned architects Foster + Partners have joined with European Space Agency (ESA) to test the feasibility of 3D printing on this scale.
UK To Invest £60m More In Space Program
Britain intends to spend an extra £60 million per year on space technology, by increasing it's investment into the European Space Agency (ESA).
The Chancellor George Osborne, in a speech to the Royal Society, announced that the UK is willing to commit an average of £240m a year, over the next five years to the ESA, increased from the usual investment of £170m. This has been done in the hope of encouraging domestic job growth via attracting lucrative contracts.