Nowhere To Hide: FBI To Roll-Out $1 Billion Facial Recognition System
The FBI has revealed its plans to launch a $1 billion Minority Report-like facial recognition system across the United States so unprecedented in scope that it will be able to be used to identify criminals with greater than 90 percent accuracy.

AntiSec Publishes One Million Apple Device IDs Following FBI Breach
AntiSec hackers have posted 1,000,001 iPhone and iPad identification numbers onto Pastebin, with the claim this data was stolen from a laptop belonging to an FBI agent.
FBI Warrant To Get Google To Unlock Pimp's Smartphone Approved
A San Diego court judge has approved the FBI's request that Google submits all the information stored on a pimp's Android phone, including pattern lock code and other sensitive data you'd think was secure just to yourself.
Background Investigation On Steve Jobs Released By FBI
1991 was an odd time for exiled founder of Apple, Steve Jobs, as he was up for a position on the export council (a foreign trade committee) under US President George H. W. Bush. Of course, any kind of job within Government means a required background check FBI, the findings of which have been made public today, 20 years later.

Anonymous Intercept Phone Call Between FBI And Scotland Yard
Hacktivist group Anonymous have released a recording of a telephone conversation between the FBI and Scotland Yard, in which they discuss ongoing investigations into activities surrounding the aforementioned hacking network.
FBI Proposes To Use Social Network Behaviour To 'Predict' Crimes
In becoming ever more tactile in waging war against the criminals of this world, the FBI is asking companies to develop software that will be able to 'scrape' posts, tweets and messages for key 'danger' words and phrases from social network accounts, in addition to monitoring a persons' behaviour through acquiring information from the public domain in order to better track criminal security threats or situations. Succinctly, the Bureau is asking would-be contractors to come up with a software that can “enhance its techniques for collecting and sharing 'open source' actionable intelligence”.
MegaUpload Founder arrested. Anonymous takedown Justice Department and record label website in response
So Megaupload has been in and about the news, since the odd promotional music video, starring artists who said they have nothing to do with the video (making for a paradox of sorts). Things got more serious for the company and it's founder, Kim Dotcom, after the United States Justice Department filed charges against the site and had the man at Dotcom arrested.