‘Toilet Paper For Smartphones’ Installed In Japanese Airport Bathrooms
Be honest - you use your phone while sat on the toilet… Not the most hygienic of activities. But now, an airport in Japan is staying true to the country’s reputation for cleanliness after installing ‘toilet paper’ dispensers for people to clean their smartphones after bathroom use.

Tokyo Researchers Create Robot With Human-Like Muscles
Researchers have been working to create robots that mimic human behaviour - potentially dooming us all for the future. Now, Tokyo Institute of Technology have gone one terrifying step further by building a skeleton robot and giving it human-like muscles for movement.

Japanese Students Create Impossibly Complicated Clock That Re-Writes The Time Every Minute
No matter how many smartwatches enter the market, nothing will compare to the mechanical fascination of analogue. Watching all the gears, springs and cogs spinning makes for an almost hypnotic experience. Students at the Tohoku University of Art And Design in Japan have taken note of this, creating incredibly complicated clock that writes out the time.

Japan Builds A Robot That Solves iPhone Puzzle Games Faster Than You
Watching your family and friends waste their lives on Candy Crush is a depressing sight, but soon you can laugh at their feeble habit as a robot completes the puzzle game better than them.

Japanese Company Invents Wearable Chair
Sore feet from walking around? A Japanese company has an answer in the form of a wearable chair. We should thank Japan for a lot of things, but we salute them for this idea.

This Japanese piggybacking robot feeds you tomatoes while you run a marathon
When you think of wearable tech, would a robot that you carry via piggyback while it feeds you tomatoes during a marathon come to mind?

Japan Launches First Robot Astronaut Into Space
One small step for man, one giant leap for robot kind. Japanese researchers have launched a tiny walking talking robot, named Kirobo, up to the International Space Station, with the mission of providing friendly companionship to Japanese astronaut Koichi Wakata.

Japanese Luxury Smart Toilet Vulnerable To Hacking
The Satis "smart toilet" controlled by a smartphone is vulnerable to hacks, security experts have warned. With Bluetooth access open to passers by, random strangers can operate the toilet's lighting, flush & bidet controls, and attack your back door for amusement.

Japanese Robots Let You Know If You Smell Bad
Given the choice between being told you stink by a hot date, or a terrifyingly 'friendly' robot, I'd probably pick the date. But for those who picked otherwise, the Kitakyushu National College of Technology and Japanese company CrazyLab have the answer for you.
Japanese Students Create 'Girlfriend Coat' To Hug Lonely People
Feeling lonely? Japanese students at the University of Tsukuba have invented a coat that can simulate being hugged from behind by their girlfriend, complete with imaginary anime sounding girlfriend whispering sweet nothings into your ear.
'Sound Bottle' Captures And Remixes The Soundtrack Of Your Life
Re: Sound Bottle is rather unlike any audio recording device you've ever seen before. It's a device that captures and plays back noises, operated by the simple act of lifting the cork and opening the bottle.
Robot Book Scanner Captures 250 Pages Every Minute
Researchers in Japan have built a book scanner capable of capturing 250 pages-per-minute. To put that into perspective, it would take under ten minutes to scan the entire Oxford English Dictionary.
Super Great Toilet Keeper: The Toilet/Goalkeeper Capable Of Blocking 100mph Shots
A Japanese toilet, dubbed the Super Great Toilet Keeper, is capable of saving penalty shots as fast as 100mph. This pure innovation is making a splash in the as-of-yet unexplored area of toilet/football (soccer) convergence.

Japanese Create 13-Foot Armed Mech, Controlled By Smartphone
Japanese engineers from Suidobashi Heavy Industries have built a 13-foot-tall, 4.4-tonne mech called 'Kuratas,' which is controllable via iPhone and fires gattling guns when you smile. The company plans to take it into mass production, selling it for the price of $1.35 million (about £860,530).
The 'OnaCon': TechArts 3D's Masturbation Stat-Tracking Gaming Peripheral
The world of videogames isn't averse to adult-orientated games – as our run-down of the best games to 'enjoy' over valentine's day no doubt proved, aroused 8-bit caricatures and all – nor indeed is it of frankly absurd add-on peripherals, such as Nintendo's Vitality Sensor (still yet to see a release) and bowling ball attachment for the Wii. Really. But even so, we struggle to come up with the words to describe what Japanese adult game studio TechArts 3D have come up with.
Researchers Build 'SpeechJammer' To Mute The Human Voice
Japanese researchers have created a device to perpetuate the definition of "silence is golden," by remotely cutting off human speech without any physical discomfort or intervention. So with what looks like a handheld speed camera, you can literally mute a person: a piece of technology many of us here wish we can acquire.
Sony launches 'Dot Switch' promo
Doing a classic Apple: bringing technologies together, yet keeping vague on details. Sony have just released a short promotional trailer about what they're called the "Dot Switch."
In the demo, the user uses his Sony Xperia phone to activate various Sony technologies as he/she walks by them, including a gramophone (we're just as confused as you on that one), a Bravia TV set, a set of confetti cannons (again, confused), and finally a device that's revealed by a robot arm removing the tray cover.
Google offers a glimpse of Japan's tsunami devastation
Back in July of this year, Google announced its intention to “digitally archive” panoramic images of areas of North-Eastern Japan in an attempt to bring home to billions all over the globe the tremendous size and scale of, and devastation caused by, the March 11 tsunami that tore through eastern coastal regions following the country's most powerful earthquake since records began.
Jukusui-Kun: the snore-stopping robot Polar bear
Ever looked at the creepy Polar bear of the Birds Eye adverts and thought "that right there is an attractive creature?" Missing the feeling of soft tickling that comes with the spooning that you last experienced what feels like aeons ago? Combine the two and we have your answer!