'Breaking Bad' Prank Reminds Us To Not Post Your Phone Number On Twitter
Actor Aaron paul, who plays Jesse in Breaking Bad, asked his Twitter followers to let him know any thoughts on the recent episode by saying “Let me talk you thru it. Number, please.” With this has come a brilliant prank by ZeoStorm, and a lesson to everyone: don't post personal info online, even if an actor tells you to.

NASA Mars Rover Draws Giant Penis On The Surface Of Red Planet
Anybody who has kept up with the Curiosity Rover's antics on Twitter will know NASA has a cheeky sense of humour, but we never expected this. Looks like an employee has used the Rover to draw a giant penis on the surface of Mars. The photo in question shows one of Spirit’s or Opportunity’s tyre tracks leaving a very appendage-looking impression in the Martian dust.
X-Wing Squadron Seeks $11m On Kickstarter In Response To Crowd-Funded Death Star
The Rebel Alliance have started a Kickstarter campaign, requiring $11 million for an X-Wing fighter and pilot to destroy the recently proposed 'Open Source Death Star.' Crowdfunding has become the new frontier for battle between the Empire and Rebel forces.