Over 100,000 People Have Applied For A One-Way Ticket To Mars
We've spoken about Mars One before, the one-way mission to the red planet that's open for applications. However, the fundamental question has been just who would sign up for this? Turns out that would be over 100,000 of you, and growing.
The Search Officially Begins For The First Humans To Go To Mars
Non-profit group Mars One has announced the launch of its astronaut selection program. The search has begun for the first humans to set foot on Mars and make it their home, which begins with accepting online submissions running until 31st August 2013.
Astronaut Search For Televised One-Way Trip To Mars Will Begin By July
After launching earlier this year, Dutch non-profit organisation Mars One has begun accepting applications for a one-way trip to Mars. They aim to find four astronauts throughout a two year, televised search for Red Planet explorers, starting this summer.
You Can Now Apply To Be Part Of A Mars Colony For Reality TV
Netherlands based organisation Mars One has begun accepting applications for "Mars colony pioneers:" a one-way ticket to a human settlement on the red planet, which they intend to finish construction of in 2023. Those who are chosen will be put into a selection process, in which both Mars One and viewers of a “global, televised program” will choose the first humans to colonise the planet.