10 Of The Weirdest Mobile Phones In History
Mobile World Congress is here! Let’s not forget about these 10 hilarious missteps in mobile phone design.

The Future Of 5G In The UK Starts With Bournemouth - Thanks To Ordnance Survey Smart Map
The Next-generation of smartphones will be defined by 5G and Ordnance Survey have busily started work on creating new data-rich maps, to help mobile providers avoid signal drop-outs across the UK - starting with Bournemouth.
Eating Mobile Phones Is Bad, But Highlights An Important Issue in Medicine
An Englishman, a Scotsman and an Irishman were all using their mobile phones. And the Irishman swallowed his. No, really. As detailed in the International Journal of Surgery Case Reports, a 29-year-old Irish prisoner did indeed swallow his phone. This, it turns out, is pretty bad for you.

Mobile Phones Don't Give You Brain Cancer
You've probably heard the line "get off your phone, it'll give you brain damage" from your angry mum at one point or another. Well now, you have all the scientific ammo you need to laugh wildly in her face as you do a little dance and foam at the mouth. 30 years of study has finally shown that there is no link at all between mobile phone use and brain cancer.