Meet Ultima Thule - The Most Distant World That NASA Has Ever Explored
NASA has revealed a photo of Ultima Thule - the most distant object that humanity has ever explored.

The Story Behind Mars Orbiter’s Perfect Postcard Picture
Winter is coming to Mars, and the European Space Agency’s orbiter has taken an incredible picture of this otherworldly mile-deep ice crater.

All About Space 🚀 - Learn Something Episode 26
To celebrate the successful launch of a SpaceX rocket that could one day take us to Mars, this week’s episode of the Learn Something podcast is all about space.

Peace Out, Earth! NASA Found Seven Potentially Inhabitable Planets Orbiting Nearby Star
A group of seven exoplanets have been found orbiting the star, known as Trappist-1, by NASA. This amazing discovery has raised hopes in the hunt for alien life and other planets for the human race to colonise.

FALSE - NASA Did Not Just Change Your Star Sign
Ignore what the more easily influenced friends are sharing on Facebook - NASA did not just change your Zodiac sign. This was all just big misunderstanding, based on a children’s education web page put out by the agency.

New Photos Allow Us To Figure Out How Solar Wind Works
Heard of solar wind? It’s a constant stream of ionized gas ejecting from the sun, becoming more turbulent and destructive the further away from the sun they get. It was discovered in 1958 and we still know very little about it. Thankfully, NASA’s at it again with the Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO) proving once and for all that silly abbreviations don’t just exist in fiction.

NASA Approves Mission Plans To Redirect Asteroids With Robots
Say a giant asteroid is hurtling towards Earth that could end all life… What is our line of defence? Well, that’s what NASA is working on with its Asteroid Redirect Mission (ARM), which just emerged from the first planning stages.

Venus May Have Once Been Able To Support Life
A new study into the history of Venus suggests the planet may have been suitable for life.

NASA to launch a probe to study an asteroid on a direct collision course with Earth
The asteroid Bennu is on a direct collision course for Earth! Luckily, it’s not due to strike for another century or so, but that’s still a problem that’ll be upon us all too soon. You know how time flies. Realizing this, NASA are all set to launch a probe at the incoming asteroid so we at least know a bit more about the thing that will eventually kill us.

NASA Captures Bizarre Mars Sand Dune Patterns That Look Like Morse Code - Are Aliens Trying To Talk To Us?
NASA recently photographed some strange sand dunes on Mars, with patterns that looked like a message in Morse code. Obviously, conspiracy theorists nearly fell out of their chairs at the vague possibility of Martian existence!

All About Juno - NASA’s Spacecraft Reaches Jupiter To Explore Our Solar System Origins
After launching nearly five years ago, NASA’s Juno Mission will reach Jupiter - the most massive planet in our solar system - to find out exactly how the solar system was formed billions of years ago.

Mineral on Mars Plunges Its Past Deeper Into Mystery
The Curiosity rover has been doing some drilling on Mars, and what is has discovered has NASA scratching their heads. A mineral known as tridymite has been uncovered beneath the surface of Mars. And its presence raises far more questions than it answers.

NASA sets one of its own spacecrafts on fire as first stage of experiment
In space, no one can hear you burn. NASA has been conducting experiments with fire in space, hoping to gain a better understanding of any potential future hazards. Having previously only worked with tiny little flames, NASA has increased the scale this time around.

Planet X Killed the Dinosaurs, And It Would Do It Again
A few months ago, the mysterious Planet X aka Planet 9 was discovered. Despite that, it has yet to capture our hearts like its plucky predecessor, Pluto did. And now it seems unlikely it ever will. There is evidence to suggest that Planet X killed the dinosaurs, and one day it may well kill us too.

This is the Most Detailed Picture of Pluto You'll Ever See
Pluto is the most beloved celestial body in our solar system. For years, we’ve just wanted to get close to it. And now, we have. The New Horizons probe, which last year brought us some stunning images of Pluto, has delivered once again.

Oxygen Has Been Detected On Mars - Can We Go Now?
As you’ve probably seen, NASA has been exploring Mars for years now. But now in a potentially groundbreaking discovery, they’ve detected atomic oxygen in the Red Planet’s atmosphere for the first time in 40 years.

Venus Express Gathers Crucial Data About Venus' Atmosphere While Trapped in Low Orbit
Before plummeting beneath the clouds forever, the European Space Agency (ESA)’s Venus Express unearthed a few more secrets about our sister planet. Its final months in low orbit revealed the planet to be much colder and far less dense than expected.

NASA Gravity Map Offers Best Ever Look At Mars
NASA has released an amazingly detailed gravity map of Mars, which shows forces around the red planet and huge amounts of physical properties. This was created using range tracking and Doppler data, collected from three different spacecraft orbiting Mars for over a decade: the Mars Global Surveyor (MGS), Mars Odyssey (ODY), and the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO).

NASA Images Reveal New Details About Ceres' Mysterious Bright Spots
NASA's Dawn satellite has sent back the most detailed images yet of the large, bright spots on the dwarf planet Ceres. Orbiting at just 385 km above the surface, pictures reveal a mini-world of complex land formations inside the region known as Occator Crater.